Hyperdimension Neptunia Wiki

This page lists all achievements in Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 2: Sisters Generation with their descriptions and the requirements needed to achieve them. There are a total of 41 trophies:

27Bronze  9Silver  4Gold  1Platinum


Name Icon Grade Description Requirements
Nepgear's Journey, Start! GameStartRB2English Bronze Trophy You began your adventure. Start a new game.
Rehabilitation FirstBattleRB2 Bronze Trophy Fought your first battle. Fight your first enemy.
Combo Maker CustomComboRB2 Bronze Trophy Created your own original combo setup. Make your own combo in the "Commands" section of the menu.
Chapter 1 Cleared Chapter1ClearRB2 Bronze Trophy Cleared Chapter 1. Complete Chapter 1.
Game Remake UsedRemakeRB2 Bronze Trophy Used the Remake System for the first time. Craft any type of plan.
Lastation's CPU Candidate MetUniRB2 Bronze Trophy You have met Uni. Meet Uni in the story.
Stella's First ☆ Dungeon StellaFirstRB2 Bronze Trophy Made use of Stella's ☆ Dungeon for the first time. Complete any floor on any dungeon for the first time.
Lowee's CPU Candidate MetRomRamRB2 Bronze Trophy You have met Rom and Ram. Meet Rom and Ram in the story.
Fully Experienced 100BattlesRB2 Bronze Trophy Fought 100 battles. Accumulative, fight 100 total battles.
Game Creator FirstDiscMakeRB2 Bronze Trophy Created your first Game Disc. Burn Idea Chips into any disc for the first time.
Chapter 2 Cleared Chapter2Clear Bronze Trophy Cleared Chapter 2. Complete Chapter 2.
Chapter 3 Cleared Chapter3Clear Bronze Trophy Cleared Chapter 3. Complete Chapter 3.
Chapter 4 Cleared Chapter4Clear Bronze Trophy Cleared Chapter 4. Complete Chapter 4.
Nepgear's Awakening NepgearAwakeningRB2 Bronze Trophy Nepgear's HDD version has been powered up! Obtained during Chapter 5.
Maximum Firepower 100000DamageRB2 Bronze Trophy Inflicted over 100,000 points of damage. Do at least 100,000 damage in one turn.
Uni's Awakening UniAwakeningRB2 Bronze Trophy Uni's HDD version has been powered up! Obtained during Chapter 5.
Rom's and Ram's Awakening RomRamAwakeningRB2 Bronze Trophy Rom's and Ram's HDD version has been powered up! Obtained during Chapter 5.
Combos 80HitComboRB2 Bronze Trophy Performed an 80-hit combo. Inflict at least 80 hits in one turn.
Chapter 5 Cleared. Chapter5Clear Bronze Trophy Cleared Chapter 5. Complete Chapter 5.
Normal End NormalEndRB2 Silver Trophy Watched the Normal ending. Complete the game while not making the criteria for all other endings.
Battle Master BattleMasterRB2 Bronze Trophy Fought 500 battles. Accumulative, fight 500 total battles.
Chapter 6 Cleared Chapter6Clear Bronze Trophy Cleared Chapter 6. Complete Chapter 6 (True Ending Route).
Chapter 7 Cleared Chapter7Clear Bronze Trophy Cleared Chapter 7. Complete Chapter 7 (True Ending Route).
True Ending TrueEndRB2 Gold Trophy Watched the True ending. Complete the game satisfying the criteria for the True Ending.
Conquest Ending ConquestEnd Gold Trophy Watched the Conquest ending. Complete the game satisfying the criteria for the Conquest Ending.
Histoire HistoireJoinedRB2 Bronze Trophy Histoire joined the party. Allow Histoire to join the party by crafting a plan.
Chika Hakozaki ChikaRB2 Bronze Trophy Chika Hakozaki joined the party. Allow Chika to join the party by crafting a plan.
Mina Nishizawa MinaJoinedRB2 Bronze Trophy Mina Nishizawa joined the party. Allow Mina to join the party by crafting a plan.
Planeptune End PlaneptuneEndRB2 Silver Trophy Watched the Planeptune ending. Complete the game satisfying the criteria for the Planeptune Ending.
Holy Sword End HolySwordEndRB2 Gold Trophy Watched the Holy Sword ending. Complete the game satisfying the criteria for the Holy Sword Ending.
Kei Jinguji KeiJoinedRB2 Bronze Trophy Kei Jinguji joined the party. Allow Kei to join the party by crafting a plan.
Leanbox End LeanboxEndRB2 Silver Trophy Watched the Leanbox ending. Complete the game by satisfying the criteria for the Leanbox Ending.
Game Planner Make200PlansRB2 Silver Trophy Discovered 200 plans. Craft 200 plans total.
Lastation End LastationEndRB2 Silver Trophy Watched the Lastation ending. Complete the game by satisfying the criteria for the Lastation Ending.
Delphinus DelphinusIcon Gold Trophy Discovered the hidden boss, Delphinus. Defeat Delphinus at the Colosseum.
Lowee End LoweeEndRB2 Silver Trophy Watched the Lowee ending. Complete the game by satisfying the criteria for the Lowee Ending.
Human End HumanEndRB2 Silver Trophy Watched the Human ending. Complete the game by satisfying the criteria for the Human Ending.
To the Limit ToTheLimit Silver Trophy All characters have attained level 99. Achieve max level on all characters including all makers, oracles and goddeses.
100 Million Credits MillionareRB2 Bronze Trophy Obtained a total of 100 million credits. Accumulative, obtain 100 million credits since the game cycle start.
Dungeon Master StellaDungeonMasterRB2 Silver Trophy Cleared all Stella's ☆ Dungeon levels. Complete all dungeons in Stella's ☆ Dungeon.
Gamindustri's Ultimate Savior GamindustriUltimateSavior Plat Trophy You played so much, everyone now agrees that Nepgear is a good main character, too! Attain all the trophies in Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 2 Sisters Generation.